Working on an iPhone application . . .

I purchased an iPhone in September (a birthday present for myself).   A couple months later I got a MacBook Pro just so I could write applications for my iPhone. 

Now I’m not a newbie programmer.  I’ve been programming for a long time.  But Objective-C is one of the strangest languages that I’ve run across.  I can code C, and C++, so this wasn’t a big step, but Objective-C is just plain archaic in many ways.  However, given that Objective-C is the preferred language for both the Mac and the iPhone, I’m learning its intricacies and ideosyncracies whether I like it or not.

So I’ve got the iPhone application infrastructure complete, and I’m just working on the content now.  I’ll be keeping you updated as I fight my way towards a spot in the iPhone application store.

Posted under iPhone

This post was written by Daniel Ferry on February 13, 2010

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1 Comment so far

  1. Greg Rosenstein April 2, 2012 4:17 pm

    I’ve actually encountered the same problem. I just started writing code for macs and I am baffled by Objective-C. I have buckled down and really made an effort to get this. Please keep me updated on your progress. Thanks.

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