Dracula — Better With Photographs

This telling of the story of Dracula is enhanced with 37 photographs of important locations, annotated old maps, and cultural artifacts. In addition, the book includes images of Dracula, female vampires, wolves, etc.

I first read Dracula as a young teenager. I remember it was Saturday afternoon, and both my parents and my sister were out of the house. The wind was making the branches scratch against my window, just like the bats in the novel, and the old house creaked. To preserve my dignity, let’s not say that I was “afraid”; let’s just say that I was “apprehensive.”

Recently I decided to read the book again. As I read, I had difficulty visualizing some of the locales and cultural artifacts that the characters mentioned. What do the Carpathian Mountains look like near dusk? Is there really an English town called “Whitby” with a ruined abbey? What did the harbor look like? What is a Kukri knife?

Accordingly, I have researched and inserted into this version of Dracula many photographs of important locations, annotated old maps, and cultural artifacts. I also considered it worthwhile to insert images of Dracula, female vampires, wolves, etc. to add a bit of color to the text.

Furthermore, I was disappointed that there were many historical, geographic, and cultural references in the text that were lost on me. As I researched these, I found that they enhanced my appreciation the story. For that reason, I have added appropriate hyperlinks that you can ignore or investigate if you are so inclined.

It’s only 99¢ in the Amazon Kindle Store or in Apple iBooks.  I had a lot of fun enhancing my appreciation of this book. I hope you enjoy it as well!

Click the cover image below for Kindle or click the iBooks badge. Both only 99¢.

Posted under iBooks, Kindle books

This post was written by Daniel Ferry on May 14, 2015

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New Short Story Book Free in Kindle Store March 31 – April 2

My new short story book, A Scamp, A Scalawag, And A Patsy: Daniel Buys A Horse And Other Stories is FREE in the Kindle Store from March 31 – April 2.

Just three stories:

  • How I bought my horse (a true story)
  • An inept con man (no horses)
  • A veterinarian handles the aftermath of a tragic riding accident

If you like horses, you’ll probably like this book. If you’re interested in where I got the great cover, check out my post at jhomf.com





Posted under Kindle books

This post was written by Daniel Ferry on March 31, 2015


Step-by-Step Kindle Advertising: FREE in Kindle Store 02/22 – 02/24

Having a tough time getting prospective customers to notice your Kindle books? Are all those Facebook, Twitter, and Google AdWords ads just not selling your books?

Well, Amazon has just made your task easier. Amazon recently decided to let authors advertise their KDP Select books on the Amazon website. Now you can reach a more targeted group of customers, customers who have already purchased Kindle books like yours!

How do you get started? Step-By-Step Kindle Advertising: Best Auction Bid and Targeting Tactics to Sell Your KDP Books Using Amazon Ads takes you through the step-by-step process of creating, targeting, and pricing your ad campaigns. You’ll learn

  • How to create a Kindle ad Campaign step-by-step
  • How to win a Kindle advertising bid auction
  • Best Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bid tactics
  • How to calculate your best Cost-Per-Click bid
  • Ad targeting tactics to sell more books
  • Ad targeting tactics to link to your book from Kindle bestsellers
  • How to Monitor your campaigns
  • How to fine-tune your campaigns
  • When to pull the plug on a campaign

Click Step-By-Step Kindle Advertising: Best Auction Bid and Targeting Tactics to Sell Your KDP Books Using Amazon Ads to learn how you can start selling more books today!




Posted under Kindle books

This post was written by Daniel Ferry on February 22, 2015

Lower Pricing for All My Novels


After giving away almost 1000 free books for Christmas, I’ve reduced the price of all my novels in the Kindle Store. Start the year out right! (So now I’ve given away over 26,000 free copies!)


Posted under Kindle books

This post was written by Daniel Ferry on January 2, 2015
